About St. James

St James Episcopal Church, Marshall in southwest Minnesota is a small rural Shared Ministry parish,  where everyone in the parish family is given the opportunity to find and do the ministry to which God is calling them.

The call to local lay and ordained ministry is led by a Commissioned and Ordained Team that provides a sharing and caring leadership that Welcomes All to the Table. 

Click on the following pages to learn more:

     All Are Welcome  Through the Red Door

On Saturday, November 8th, 2014 we gathered for the Blessing of the Completion of our  Leap of Faith Project to build an accessible Sidewalk Ramp and the accessible Red Door and entrance!

All Are Welcome!!!



More Photos of our celebration are on the Leap of Faith Album link   [Click on any photo to see it larger.]

Thanks be to God and to all who have helped us achieve this goal and to the wonderful people who helped us dream, encouraged us on our journey and who found the Jasper stone that matches our 125 year old building.  

We gathered and celebrated the Litany of Blessing for the accessible entrance and were led into the sanctuary to the ringing of chimes, led by Cera Richards parishioner, David Sams long time friend and Bp Whipple Mission Deacon and members of our parish family and friends who came to be with us to enter the

 Red Door of Welcome.  

We sang for joy and celebrated as we entered the sanctuary with a reception and good fellowship.

   If you would like to make a donation to support our Leap of Faith Accessibility Project as we now work to make our undercroft accessible, or wish to support our St. J. Mission Project to feed the hungry or to make a general donation to St. James, you can do so at any time by clicking on the link to our GiveMn site.

 St James GiveMN